Decisions Made:
- Needed: New email blast for PNC delegates.
People Present: Joshua G (Secretary, NS), Charlene D (Co-chair, CMGR), Lois G (PV), Brian C (Treasurer, GBC), Barbara C (ARV alternate), Danny Factor (ARV).
- With 6 voting members in attendance, quorum is reached!
Guests: Elie Yarden and David Gerry.
1) Assign Meeting Roles - Brian Minutes, Lois Facilitator, Josh Time.
2) Approve draft agenda - Approved by consensus.
3) Approve minutes from 2/27/20 Adcom Meeting - Approved by consensus.
4) Presidential Primary Election report (see )
- Danny and Charlene elected. 5 min meeting to appoint Treasurer and Secretaryelected at the previous Annual Convention (see GRP Bylaws 8.5.8).
- PresPrimaryElection.‘State Results website may be preliminary. We can use these numbers to determine delegate apportionment.’ CD
- When official results done, ....delegate selection plan was approved by StateCom. It describes how many delegates each pres candidate gets, formula complex.
- No Preference delegates ‘won’, HH, DH, SC.
- needed: new email blast for delegates
Only write-in candidates who contacted town officials beforehand will have their write-in votes counted.
Inquiry on write-in candidates – some things immediate,
- Joshua spoke with Rosenberry; David Rolde’s request for recount too late, court order needed to see write-in ballots.
Inquiry on write-in candidates – some things immediate,
5) Working Committee Reports
- MDVR: Josh: Sending GRP Outreach letter to Progressive Campus Groups; Video Project, John B asking for GRP Members to volunteer for speaking parts.
CDLC: Charlene:
- Updating candidate page... no local/district candidates endorsed by Statecom yet, so no one on/to put on 2020 candidates webpage yet.
- Nat & Joyce running in for 2 offices in Whately – are they asking to be endorsed by Statecom? No, local candidates don’t usually do this.
- Acton: Selectboard candidates (2) Jim Snyder-Grant (unenrolled), Terra Friedrichs(? unenrolled)
- Charlene running for State Rep in 12th Worcester District.
- LegisCom: Meeting once monthly, state legislative session begins 2021 so relatively quiet now – bills and bill authors sought.
TechComm: considering video conferencing video option.
- Re: videoconf: Zoom limited to 40 minutes, freeCCall not.
- Also Jitsi – but needs Chrome or Chromium browser.
- DG: Zoom $300 to go over 40 min. smartphone apps for Zoom &
- Comcom: Brian
- Funfin: Brian and Roni Beal met by phone, nothing to report.
6) Regional Convention updates - *What are options if regions can't meet face-to-face?*
- News Re: COVID-19 changing daily.
- Metro West Reg Con Cancelled by the library today!
- Sat, Mar 14 SE MA Regional Convention.
- PVC met already. last sunday. Elizabeth Humphrey and Lois Gagnon elected to Statecom.
- dg: only meeting required by state law = cd and df meet and reappoint Secretary and Treasurer (this is a correction, per MGL and GRP bylaws).
Danny: confused about those elected at Regional Convention: Are they now a full member of Statecom or does Danny and Charlene need to acknowledge them?
- David: Technically Charlene and Danny are the only elected Statecom members. Everyone else is appointed.
- Charlene: The only thing we have to do is appoint the Secretary and Treasurer elected at previous convention (two co-chairs continue to serve, do not need to be reappointed). The officers and two elected StateCom members then appoint the people elected at the Regional Conventions.
- Regional Conventions must report who was elected to the GRP Secretary.
7) StateCom, Sunday 4/5, 9-4, Natick - 10 minutes
*What are options if StateCom can't meet face-to-face?*
- Required: reconstitute Statecom via Charlene & Danny by 4/12/20 deadline: RegularSpring Statecom meeting afterward could be rescheduled, delayed.
- Statecom: CD & DF will meet apr5. Big statecom doesn’t have to be in person. Daylong not practical?
- State deadline: applies to only first (2-person) statecom.
- State requirement for regional Conventions meeting? Deadline? By April 1st (day before new StateCom is in effect, by state law).
- Treasurer and Secretary re-appointed by presidential primary ballot-elected StateCom members (in 2020, Charlene and Danny). - 5-minute statecom. Meeting, must be by deadline of 4/12/20.
- Reg Convn website notification
- choose delegates to nominating convention: this is done according to the Delegate Selection Plan by the PCWG.
done by on website.
- 1) ballot to Statecom
- 2) these appoint officers.
- 3) these appoint chapter -elected statecom members
- Danny: Was originally County convention regions. Merelice proposal to change to equal sized region.
- Joshua asked to call SoC: re: regional conventions.
- DF: not solved: Is it GRP officers or Statecom Electeds Charlene & Danny who appoints Regional Convention-elected statecom reps.
- State Convention, COVID-19 far enough off so conditions better by then? Take it from situation later assessed.
8) Post Card Mailings, updates
Keep list of donors (who donated as a result of the mailing?).
How many returned undeliverable?
60 (160-180) returned.
9) State Convention updates
- Annual Convention Committee Volunteers: Roni Beal, John Blumenstiel, Matt Andrews, Maha Gray, Joshua Gerloff.
10) PCWG still accepting applications for PNC delegates
- Will send email blast.
- There is a Participation Fund.
11) Round Robin
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