Decisions Made:
Josh and Maha volunteered to work with Eilene Wheeler-Sheehan to help the South Coast Chapter organize their Regional Convention.
Charlene will ask CMGR members to contribute content to statement re: Candidate Signature Collection. Brian will also contribute and Maha will compile.
Everyone read the GRP Bylaws!
Quorum - Achieved (Brian, Lois, Charlene, Josh, John B., Maha - Elie attended briefly then excused himself.
Facilitator - Brian
Notetaker - Maha
Timekeeper - Lois
3/12/20 AdCom minutes - Approved by consensus
Agenda - Approved by consensus
- Personal updates: how are each of us faring? - 15 min
Everyone is staying healthy and generally managing. Some are catching up on yard work and others have started new jobs.
- Recruitment of delegate applicants, and electors: still needed. - 10 min
- Charlene informed the committee on the procedures, electors, and proxies.
- Deadline for applicants is Sunday, March 29
- Participation is available for those who need help with travel expenses
- Josh has applied to be a delegate
- Spring StateCom meeting update - 10 min
(For Regional Conventions: Updated StateCom proportional seat update (per
today's email from Charlene)
- Proportional seating update can be found in the relevant State Com meeting email.
- People can find more information about region on the website under "about us" and "2020 Regional Conventions".
- State Convention rescheduling update - 10 min
- State Convention is scheduled for Sept. 26, 2020 at the First Unitarian Church in Worcester.
- Chapter report highlights, requests - 15 min
- John B. shared how the GBC is still putting together their Regional Convention. Charlene advised John on how to organize an RC. General discussion on organizing an RC.
- Charlene described CMGR's convention planning and organization. Over 100 emails were sent out and several of their members are running for StateCom.
- Josh shared that the Northshore RC is on Saturday, March 28. 2020 at 1pm.
- Lois revealed that PV already had their convention and will be conducting their next chapter meeting via Zoom.
- Brian asked if anyone was willing to help the Southeast organize their Regional Convention. Maha described that that chapter is skeletal in additional to undergoing a leadership transition.
- Josh and Maha volunteered to work with Eilene to help them organize their RC.
- Signature collection issues for candidates - 5 min
- General discussion on the unique challenges for third parties and the significant advantages of being an incumbent.
- Charlene will ask CMGR members to contribute content to statement on this issue. Brian will also contribute and Maha will compile.
- Plug for reading and referencing GRP bylaws - 5 min
- Generally and emphatic agreement that candidates for StateCom (and other offices) read and become familiar with the Bylaws and Standing Rules.
- Charlene expressed, and there was no objection, that the bylaws need a bit of an update.
- Brian asked for volunteers to assist in such a future "Ad hoc Committee" and Charlene agreed to champion and support the process.
- Brian suggested people use "Wayback" to look into meetings, notes, websites of the past.
- Round Robin - 5 min
- Josh appreciated the meeting.
- Charlene thanked all meeting officers and asked that we encouragemembers from other chapters join AdCom.
- Brian appreciated Josh as GRP Secretary.
- Lois thanked all.
- John expressed appreciation for the depth of knowledge of all attendees.
- Maha thanked all.
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