Decisions Made:
- All: please forward Participation Fund applications to chapters.
- All: Let chapters and committees know that if they want to be an alternate, we need to know soon!
- All: Remind chapters and committees to pay dues!
- Brian and Mike V volunteer to transfer Participation Fund applications into a spreadsheet and organize the info!
- Josh will call SOC re that darn voter file.
- David Keil volunteers to draft a 5G statement for GRP website.
- Add John Blumenstiel’s letter re GRP Decision Making Processes letter to next Adcom agenda.
Attendance: Maha Vishnu, Charlene DiCalogero, Joshua Gerloff, Brian Cady, Danny Factor, John Blumenstiel, David Keil.
Guest: David Gerry, Big Mike.
Quorum: (4) with 7 on the call.
Adcom Minutes 2020-06-11: Approved by consensus.
Approve Agenda: Approved.
Committee Reports
- Convention: Josh and Mike V: Workshops and virtual convention. Whova=platform planning to utilize for a test run.
- MDVR: John: Setting up meetings with local tv folks and pulling together the 8.5-min video, learn tech and pulling it together.
- CDLC: Charlene: Meet regularly. John Andrews is now the chair. I stepped down last month. Only candidate is my race for Worcester 12th. Nothing else going on AFAIK. Sharon Moss reelected as town meeting member in shrewsbury.
- Name change: DF: Any news? Josh had asked? What's up? Convention in September? Maha will look into.
- Tech: Mike V: Examining listserv guidelines and filtering emails. Josh: Observer policy.
AdCom Relevant Bylaws/Responsibilities of Chapter AdCom Reps.
- Charlene:Section 9: Adcom and directors 9.1 Week to week admin responsibilities of the party. We are a working committee. Always has work to carry out.
- 9.2: adcom: officers 2 diversity reps, and 1 rep from each chapter. Our adcom is not gender balanced and could use more diversity.
- 9.9
- 9.12 Adcom member who missed so many meetings.
- 9.23 The duties of the diversity reps shall MDVR or Comcom. more.... << take these as your responsibilities!!!
- Danny: Suggestion to chapter reps: In ARVC, we have “Statecom/Adcom News” as a regular placeholder on the agenda that says GRP news. It’s a two way street, a reg thing on the agenda. If not, I might forget to inform the chapter.
- David Gerry: "Chapter reps" proposal: in Lenox Mass, 2011 or 2012.
- Danny: don't see anything in the bylaws that actually mandates anything that should be obvious.
- Brian: Agree with Charlene, 9.24 seems like it got dropped off. that it would be the duty of adcom members.
Participation Fund
- Charlene: The GPUS still needs money even though it's virtual. Please forward to chapters and committees to increase participation in the 2020 ANM. GPUS: "We would like a minimum $100 to cover costs." This application is from GRP funds to assist GRP members in attending.
- Brian: I think it was money set aside in Winter 2020 Statecom (JAN 4, 2020).
- Maha: Asking to distribute to chaps and coms.
- Charlene: Check for typos please!!!!!!! Distribute, but need 2-3 people to take the complete applications into a spreadsheet. We *might* need to have a point system to evenly and fairly distribute the participation FUnd money. Due end of June 30?
- DG: GRP can pre purchase registration and transfer to people.
- Brian: We have $3000. set aside for participation expenses.
- Mike: Send to Techcom?
- Charlene: Not high tech. Potentially sensitive private information.
- Brian and Mike V volunteer to transfer Participation Fund applications into a spreadsheet and organize the info!
Annual Party Dues
- Charlene: Remind everyone to pay their dues!
- Brian: Matt Andrews is setting this up. Howie Hawkins talks about supporting.
- Josh: Convoluted 2020 Dues Proposal involves many officers and committees.
- Danny: Treasurer report for Dues? Brian: $3000.. of projection.
- Josh: How to remember if paid dues? Brain: I don’t know.
Report on new Boston Regional Convention
- John: Last comm: 1. Waiting for the voter history list from SOC. 2. Preliminary outreach on communication.
- Brian: Apologize. Twice missed email to sign a form. Sent and should be on its way to David Gerry.
- Josh: What Brian said. Will call SOC tomorrow.
- Danny: GBC considering a new regional convention. Are you guys actually considering a new Regional Convention and is that supported by the bylaws.
- John: Whether it's called whatever...
- Charlene: 1st regional Convention
- Josh: Situation has changed. Sat. Fem seats.
- Danny: 7 males and 7 female seats for the Boston region. Do the bylaws allow a Regional Convention this late in the year?
Confronting White Supremacy and Solidarity with Black Lives Matter and Related Chapter Activities
- Charlene: Something we should be focused on. Shared some resources: "the 21 racial thing" and "White Fragility" 3 demos in Central Mass since June. BLM call symbolic, local BLM group, diversity is not about asking Black and Brown people to join us and you show them a bunch of bylaws. You ask what's important to them.
- Danny: Diversity in a white neighborhood Acton, having standouts in the town square. More people of color who have come out who generally feel vulnerable. Proud of GRP platform. Need to have the materials.
- Josh: This issue warrants revisiting the name change. Keep the Rainbow. White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo. "How to be Anti-Racist" by Ibrahim Kindi.
- Danny: Stand out against Acton prison. Promote party wide.
- John: Rainbow. GBC opposes the name change. Interesting root that has not been .... work to do. Push this on ... Milton. Things are being stirred up. We need to be more active. Jill Stein, New Democracy coalition. Faneuil Hall.
- Maha: Poll: What do African-Americans equate the Rainbow with? Diversity or LGBTQ
- David Keil: Attended an event and Poor People's Campaign.
- Danny: Framingham prison: Covid-19 infection high, prisoners were non violent offenders. It was a car protest. 100 cars. Great job. Wouldn't have happened without our party.
- Charlene: Want to see a monthly report on this. This is an opportunity to focus.
PNC Alternate Seats
Charlene: Reiterate: 11 reg seats are filled , 1 alternate seat. 3 alt seats available. Let chapters and committees know that if they want to be an alternate, we need to know soon!
5G proposal: Can someone write up to the public on our website (instead of email blast--is there something urgent or actionable?)
- Josh: 5G prop passed. No context: pandemic, blm. How to frame?
- Charlene: Web posting is fine. Not the focus of the email blast. Life and death issues are more important.
- Mike V: 5G thing is infecting my small business. GBC discussion on 5G on Tuesday: DR recorded. Recording is available through David ROlde.
- David Keil: volunteers.
Status of North Shore Chapter
- Josh: dead weight.
- Danny: Thank you Josh for all your work. If you look 7.3, report their activities 1... continue to have 3 members meet regularly. At a point it wouldn't meet the requirements. In the event to decertify to recommend to Statecom. Next Statecom meeting decides after that. In a matter of months if no change, might be prudent to do so.
- Charlene: Painful. Won't help you or the party. 1. Might want to visit other chapters to see how they work. 2. Some people join because they are interested in getting someone elected. when someone is running . it might attract new people. revive look around for a good local candidate. resident someone black or brown.
John Blumenstiehl's letter
- John: Pattern of lack or attention at grassroots level. sent may 30. read and share concerns. processes that work against our development in this current crisis we are in. Read the letter: let me know.
- Maha: I share the concern from a different perspective. In the past, might get in the way of party business. Green Round Table. Might bog down Adcom.
- Brian: See some merit to the letter. Feel that the best way to address this to ask membership, what they see needs to be done. Need to solve problems, and can ask for help.
- Joshua: Ballot. Hard feelings. I issued a poll to the membership (showed initiative), 40 responses got a different result than the ballot we ended up with. And Covid-19 statement discounted work by Adcom members.
Round Robin:
- Brian: Thanks!
- Joshua: Thanks everyone for sympathizing re dwindling NSC activity.
Adjourn 8:37 PM
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