Decisions Made:
- BC: can add tags on the webpage to track postcard effectiveness.
- LG and CD will draft email blast re officer, director, and GPUS NC delegates.
- EY will help JG with 5G email blast.
- Regional Convention point people are urged to have spreadsheet downloaded and/or printed (vs. checking voter info on SOC website), in case the hosting facility doesn't have internet.
- Adcom members communicate with chapters that PCWG is still accepting applications for PNC Delegates.
Attendance: John Blumenstiel, Brian Cady, Charlene DiCalogero, Lois Gagnon, Joshua Gerloff, Maha Gray.
Guest: Elie Yarden
Quorum: With 6 voting members in attendance, quorum is reached!!
Assign Meeting Roles - Charlene facilitator, Joshua minutes, Lois time.
Approve 2020/02/12 Minutes from previous Adcom Meeting.
- CD: Add: "They are minutes. Quorum was reached. JB replacing Elie. CD: Email Blast, 10 min, no minutes about that?? Working Committee reports, drop chapters." Approved as amended.
Approve agenda: 5G email blast add, agenda approved as amended.
Treasury Report: BC: Treasury $6300 state fund = $7227 state fund actual (oops). $11,158 grand total, Paypal, state, and federal. Paypal money haven't brought into state or federal, go through Paypal. NB can use paypal, BC goes into once a month, haven't transferred over yet.
Working Committee or Chapter Reports
- PVC: LG: Short meeting. discussed helping the homeless in Springfield, succesful. Howie came and spoke about history of labor, current events in his campaign, well received, report in local paper Hampire Gazette.
- CD: Holoke was State Rep position. Keep campaign announcements.
- NSC: JG: NSC met discussed CUAW and NE Regional Convention. Next meeting
- GBC: JB: David ROlde and Jamie M cochairs, JB treasurer, Secretary Mike V, JB Adcom. MG present talking about issues re his campaign. GBC issue Banner Development. Concerned about the name change. Sunday, March 22, 2020 2 Regions and Metro South. 1st and 2nd Boston Region and the Metro South. There will be no name change?
- CD: March Primary and General Election. This election year is time consuming.
- CMGR: Feb 22: CD: Planning for Reg. Sat, March 28 in Worcester. Secured a guest speaker, the Pres of Mass Women of Color. Ramping up to collect signature for CD state Rep run. CMGR has experience supporting campaigns. CD might have a campaign manager this year. We attract people when we run campaigns.
- SCC: New cochair: Paula Charbonneau.
Post Card Mailings: BC: $1155 on stamps, $140 of that not used, in prep for Metro West. Ink was expensive $177. Card stock good deal $1463, includes stamps not sent.
- CD: Get more emails from the postcard, so watch the tracking bit.
- BC: can add tags on the webpage.
- CD: Some returns, that is valluable info also
State Convention updates
- MG: myself, JB, MA: Theme under discussion. Settle soon, so we can promote. Speakers.
- JB: Location established. May 30, 2020. Josh credentialing: YES. Josh must take notes of meeting at end of day.
- Josh joins Annual Convention Committee.
- CD: Talk to chapters, elect officers, directors, and nation committee reps. Send out descriptions.
- LG can help CD with this email blast.
5G email blast: JG: JA likes the new. Drafting email blast
- EY will help JG with 5G email blast.
Regional Convention updates: BC: Has regional GRP Voter info files.
- CD: Difficulty opening. BC tranfered the XLS format. Can send as csv file?
- JG: SOC website...
- CD: What if they don't have internet… Best to be ready with downloaded file on computer or printout.
- JG: BC Scarred Lands, Wounded Lives presentation at NE Regional Convention March 28, 2020.
Presidential Nominating Convention, Delegate Applications
- PCWG still accepting applications
- CD: Communicate with chapters re Detroit. One more week accepting applications. Different than electors.
Round Robin
Meeting went well, everyone agrees. JB Adcom rep for GBC. Elie will help with 5G email blast etc.
Adjourn approx 8:15 PM.
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