Decisions Made:
3/16/2020 Minutes: Tabled.
Banners notification – John B will notify chapters and promote merchandise sales.
Video: Sharon Cable TV will help. Maha V, Joshua G, maybe Darlene E, will volunteer.
Dropbox: John B wants help to learn. Elie Y & Brian C can help.
John B will send Youtube versus Vimeo email to Elie Y., share Youtube resources venues to comment.
Elie Y will call Matt A. about Dues.
John B will draw up something on Covid -19
Elie Y will share National material on de-militarization.
People Present: Elie Yarden, Brian Cady, John B,
Roles: John facilitate, Brian minutes.
- Approve minutes of March 16: Tabled
- Approve/edit agenda: Approved by consensus.
- John actions to complete
- Banner notification to chapters
- Materials order forms to send out
- Recruitment video update
-SCATV support
-Volunteers: Josh, Maha, am recruiting Darlene Elias
- anyone with experience with Dropbox?
- invites for volunteers sent out: minimal response
- College outreach, on hold
- Outreach
- Further feedback from Josh on NS info packet response, how distributed, other feedback
- "No Shortcuts” Workshop postponed. John B to contact Matt A. CCB April 16th? postponed
- Matt A's dues proposal. Did we review and have other recimmendations or thoughts.
- Outreach in times of quarantine ( John B's email re: outreach)
College Outreach on hold.
Youtube: Rational National, Crystal Ball do news programs. 200,000 viewers sometimes,
Seeking other news web-video programs. Comments are opportunity to reach out during pandemic.
- Other. Security.
GPUS: issues: PC & Gender designation issues. Difficult to trace
Elder Lobby huge apparatus to influence…’How to be a progressive lobbyist’ instead of electoral action.
Activism – GRP has.
Administrative – GRP has.
Organizing – GRP needs.
Comes up with idea without bringing to fruition.
Meeting adjourned.
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