Scott Laugenour: Social Work & Health Care
The Massachusetts Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers sent me a questionnaire on June 22, which I submitted by their deadline, June 29. As with all questionnaires that the campaign receives from advocacy organizations, we will answer all questions and post all questions and answers on our web site. The campaign has acted solely in publicizing the questions and answers. This action was not coordinated with or requested by the MA Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers.
The questions, and my answers and comments are on my blog at Green Mass Group.
White House Is A Danger To Women's Health
Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein has strongly criticized an action by Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Kathleen Sebelius taking the unprecedented step of overruling the Food and Drug Administration’s decision to expand access to the Morning After Pill (MAP). "The Obama administration is clearly more concerned about political battle over access to contraceptives during an election year than the health of millions of women in the U.S.," said Stein, a graduate of and former faculty member at Harvard Medical School. "This decision should have been based on science and women’s right to health care, not appeasement of birth control opponents. Once again, the Obama Administration has shown its willingness to sacrifice principle for political expediency, and the result is a further restriction on the right of women to control our own bodies," added Stein.
The FDA’s review of the scientific evidence and 60 national medical groups recommended that MAP be available without a prescription. Women in more than 46 other countries can get MAP without a prescription.
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Why we need an expanded Medicare For All
It has been proven throughout the world that comprehensive health insurance will cost less and be of better quality when it is financed through public progressive taxes rather than through private regressive premiums. The barriers to implementing Medicare For All in Massachusetts are not based on economics, on health & medicine, or in public support. The hurdles are political. There has been a decrease in the number of co-sponsors of the bill ... and lackluster advocacy for Medicare For All. Beacon Hill will respond more favorably when confronted with an occupation against big-money business as usual.
My second testimony in 2011 to the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing took place December 15 at the public hearing on the Medicare For All bill.The complete testimony follows.
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