MEMBERSHIP CORNER - regain official party status

Great news! The Membership Committee is back in action, and we need your help this year to regain official party status by getting at least 1% of the total MA voters registered in the Green-Rainbow party.  Continue reading

Boston School Complex Named for Green-Rainbow Founder: Mel King

The Boston School Committee has approved the renaming of the McKinley South End Academy for Melvin H King, the renowned Boston activist, creator of the Boston Rainbow Coalition, and subsequently a founder of the Green-Rainbow Party in 2002.   Continue reading

Volunteer Opportunity

* Female delegate to the National Committee * The Green-Rainbow Party is staffed by volunteers.  There are literally hundreds of opportunities to make a Green difference in Massachusetts and beyond.  This one won't wait.  The Massachusetts state party is represented by delegates appointed to committees of the Green Party of the United States.  As we head into 2023, a critical year to build the nationwide Green presence, we are seeking to appoint members to represent us on key GPUS committees.  Continue reading

Massachusetts Hosted the First Green Gathering

What became the Green Party of the United States had its first national conference 35 years ago in Massachusetts. “Building the Green Movement: A National Conference for a New Politics” was a six-day marathon that ran over the July 4th weekend from Thursday, July 2 through Tuesday, July 7 at Hampshire College in Amherst.  Continue reading