Poor People’s Campaign
...drew thousands to DC on June 18th to demand a Third Reconstruction Act
Activists from Massachusetts joined a mass rally on June 18th in Washington. The theme recalls Martin Luther King's Poor People's Campaign and March on Washington in 1968 to gain economic justice for poor people in the United States.
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Death of Democracy by a Thousand Cuts (part 2)
Recently, the Biden Administration has stepped up its censorship activities.
Perhaps the clearest evidence that our government promotes disinformation that perpetuates war and deceives the people, is the creation of a “Disinformation Governance Board” on April 27. Homeland Security Secretary Majorkas called it a “working group.” Nevertheless, after strident opposition from both the left and the right, the Department “paused” the DGB. Just “pausing” it does not diminish the intent of the government to control information.
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Crocodile Tears Over Uvalde
Despite the many condolences and tears over the Uvalde disaster, remarkably few have questioned the public’s role in enabling the 18-year-old Salvador Ramos’ massacre of 21 people. His crime comes on the heels of 230 other mass shootings this year alone. Why do we, the public, not demand changes to prevent the next mass murder? One excuse: it's complicated.
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Campaign News
Have you ever asked someone for their autograph?
If the answer is “yes,” then you have all the skills necessary to participate in the vital activity of signature gathering.
We need a lot of autographs.
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