Single-Payer Healthcare On the Firing Line

The Massachusetts Legislature is closed now for the holiday season.  The bills providing Medicare for All in Massachusetts (S. 766 and H. 1267) remain on the shelf of the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing.  Meanwhile, House Leader Ron Mariano’s bill to “save” community health care centers from the predations of larger healthcare organizations (H. 4262) has rocketed along.  The difference?  Mariano’s bill has to do with private profits, while single-payer healthcare has to do directly with public health. Continue reading

Our Response to the COVID Pandemic

The Green-Rainbow Party advocates the protection of communities and workers from the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the current pandemic. Valid public-health measures include social distancing, mask-wearing, and vaccination. We reaffirm the State Committee statement of November 11, 2020 ( Continue reading

Power our Statewide Candidates in 2022

Now that the dust has settled on Election Day 2021, it is time to get ourselves organized to make Election Day 2022 a day of great celebration and achievement for the Green-Rainbow Party! The Candidate Development and Legal Committee has established the 2022 Election Working Group to take a proactive role in recruiting and vetting candidates to run as part of a statewide slate for 2022. The working group will also coordinate candidate support and the nominating petitions effort to get our slate onto the ballot next spring. David Spanagel was named as one of the Co-Chairs for the working group, and he is now asking what role YOU would like to play in next year's campaign. Continue reading

Dec2021 Reports From Our Chapters

The Co-Chairs of the Western Massachusetts Regional Green Party Chapter participated in the STOP The TOXIC PIPELINE Rally in front of Springfield City Hall. Continue reading