COP-Out 26 and Environmental Survival

After 6 years of wrestling with the Paris Agreement to reduce fossil fuel consumption and in other ways stem the decline of life on Mother Earth, President Biden and his fellow leaders must again address the failure of major polluting nations to stem their toxic emissions.  The Green-Rainbow Party has joined with other environmental activists to condemn the high-sounding rhetoric and the absence of real actions.  Continue reading

Indigenous Wisdom And Environmental Survival

by John Blumenstiel:   After the webinar on "EcoAction and Climate" sponsored by GPUS EcoAction Committee on October 11, 2021, it has become clear to this writer that a successful defense of a life-supporting sustainable environment requires an integrated two-track approach, one legal/political (Western/Euro orientation) and the other, spiritual/cultural (Indigenous Wisdom orientation). This communication is an effort to create a viable synthesis between these two seemingly differing paradigms. Continue reading

Mass-Care Coalition testifies at Medicare for All Hearing on October 26th

We are the only “developed” nation without universal access to health care.  Not only is US health care more expensive than all other industrialized nations, but we Americans are less healthy than citizens in more than half of countries worldwide as measured by the World Population Review. Continue reading

Greens Rally for Reproductive Rights

On October 2nd, Greens and their allies rallied in parks around the state for women's reproductive rights.  They were part of the massive national mobilization of Americans sparked by the passage of a Texas law that deputizes private citizens to sue anyone believed to "aid and abet" an abortion, collecting a bounty of $10,000 from the victim of such a lawsuit. Continue reading