Mission Statement
To expand the number and preparedness of Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts candidates for elected and appointed office. To monitor legal compliance for the Green-Rainbow Party.
Current Members
Male Co-Chair: David Spanagel, Lancaster
Active Members are from Lexington & Northampton
The responsibilities of this working group are as follows.
- Help chapters find and nurture candidates
- Evaluate candidates for understanding and commitment to Green-Rainbow values and procedures
- Organize campaigning and "Get Out The Vote" training classes for candidates, candidate committees, locals and volunteers
- Find candidates to run for statewide office
- Gather information about electoral results and campaign learnings to pass on to each new group of candidates and their supporters in the Green-Rainbow Party
- Monitor state and federal laws and procedures for political parties/designations
- Develop policies and submit them for passage so the Green-Rainbow Party meets state and federal requirements as in line with our values as possible
- Address as necessary any ballot or election related issues for the Party and, as time permits, requests from other Green-Rainbow Party bodies about ballot or election related issues
- Help the Green-Rainbow Party fulfill its diversity goals in its internal and external election efforts
Get Involved
If you would like to join this committee please send an email to [email protected] .
Green-Rainbow Party members may ask to join the email list for the committee at this link:
Standard Application For Nomination/Endorsement Of A Candidate
This short guide is written for party chapters, town and ward committees who are interested in recruiting candidates for office, from local offices such as Town Meeting Representative and School Committee up through City Council, Mayor, State Representative and State Senate positions. The manual will help your team explore the "who," "why" and "when" of candidate recruitment, and plan how to search for, select, and run candidates.
Go to Resources for Campaigns
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